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Securing Foundations for Life Success

The environment where a young child grows up shapes their future. The key to a healthy future is a healthy beginning. The Aspire Difference Foundation collaborates with existing service providers across public, private, and voluntary sectors to more broadly fund solutions that meet the challenges faced in single-parent family homes especially with preschool aged children. In close coordination with selected high quality service providers, TADF finances top community profit and not-for-profit based organizations so they can broaden their reach, while developing new and creative programs that bring effective and meaningful positive change in a child’s early years.

“The early years are not simply about how we raise our children.
They are about the society we will become.”

– Catherine, Princess of Wales

Building a Healthy Beginning

The environment where a young child grows up shapes their future. The key to a healthy future is a healthy beginning. Positive experiences in the development of children by giving them security, freedom, and resources to develop their skills is huge and provides a foundation for success.

Positive Protective Factors

Positive protective factors are the relationships, environments and experiences that support healthy families,
healthy beginnings and protect from negative experiences. While parents/ caregivers are essential to this, the
network of people around a child can also play a significant role.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide essential financial and other needed support to single parents with pre-school children during their first five years with the goal of improving the care-giver’s mental health and wellness. We believe in the positive potential of nurturing families, experiences, and environments in delivering secure foundations for families to achieve life success.