Our Vision
Our vision is to positively impact families in Atlanta, Georgia and Denver, Colorado each year.
Our vision is to impact families in Atlanta, Georgia and Denver, Colorado. By collaborating with selective existing service providers from the public, private, and voluntary sectors, the Aspire Difference Foundation (TADF) creates the opportunity to bring beneficial change to the most vulnerable in our chosen communities. This Vision is achieved by providing funding for family stability with quality early childhood education, complemented by necessary related family support to single parents and caregivers.
Our programs are designed to provide paid Peer Navigator assistance as a first step in creating increased parental awareness of available service support that is quickly followed by adoption of the best family and parental solutions and programs that help place the parent and the child on the right path to later success in life. This path starts with creating meaningful time for bonding and building nurturing connections by relieving many of the major obstacles facing new single-parents – lack of funds, family, and other support resources plus lack of education about parenting.
As a result, TADF helps open the door to increased and more effective learning/ educational experiences within a safe and stable home environment, ideally right from the start of the child’s life.